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Risk Assessment

Better WORK HEALTH can help you systematically identify, assess and manage risks arising from workplace hazards by performing a formal risk assessment in your workplace. The assessment includes a briefing meeting, on-site assessment and consultation, taking measurements and photographs; and a detailed report outlining strategies to eliminate or control risk factors identified. The Code of Practice for Hazardous Manual Tasks (2011) is used as a basis for the assessment. This ensures you, as a Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU), are meeting your Work Health and Safety obligations as per the WHS Act outlined below:



  • ​​ensure the health, safety and welfare of persons at work

  • consult with workers about health and safety matters

  • undertake risk management to eliminate or reduce workplace hazards

  • provide education, instruction & training

Better Work Health Injury Prevention Services Dorle Minikin Occupational Therapist
Better Work Health Injury Prevention Services Dorle Minikin Occupational Therapsit
Phone: 0430 224 959
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