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Better Work Health Injury Prevention Services - Dorle Minikin Occupational Therapist





Better WORK HEALTH specialises in providing holistic Injury Prevention Services to promote Health and Wellness in the Workplace, maximising performance and minimising the risk of injury.


We believe Injury Prevention is the key to better WORK HEALTH



Dorle Minikin is a Registered Occupational Therapist with over 20 years of experience working within the Injury Prevention and Management sector, which she gained whilst working for CRS Australia. More recently her focus has been on developing, marketing, coordinating and delivering injury prevention services. This has led her to starting her own professional practice as this is her area of expertise and a growing field she feels very passionate about.


“After years of working with injured workers, I have decided to focus my professional energy on the area of injury prevention. It is a known fact that Employers who are proactive in this area can only gain benefits in all areas of their business due to a more productive, healthier and happy workforce”


Better Work Health Injury Prevention Services Dorle Minikin Occupational Therapist
Better Work Health Injury Prevention Services Dorle Minikin Occupational Therapsit
Phone: 0430 224 959
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